72919 ZIP Code Profile, Map, Data & Demographics
ZIP Code 72919: Basic Data & USPS Preferred City Name
Preferred Name, USPS
Not Acceptable, USPS
Golden Ventures, AR 72919
County : Sebastian County
Centroid : Latitude 35.352, Longitude -94.353
Time Zone : Central Time Zone (UTC -6 hours)
Observes DST : Yes
Businesses Addresses : 1
PO Box Addresses : 0
Residential Addresses : 0
Multi-Family Addresses : 0
Single Family Addresses : 0
The ZIP Code maps and database are updated 4 times per year . Database updated: June 1, 2024 , Maps updated: May 1, 2024 .
Fort Smith, AR 72919 Data & Demographics (As of July 1, 2024)
ZIP Code 72919 is a unique - single entity ZIP Code. There is no demographic data available for this type of ZIP Code.
However, ZIP Code 72919 is contained within ZIP Code 72916 and perhaps demographic information for this ZIP Code would be of interest to you: ZIP Code 72916 Demographic Information .
Nearby Cities, Towns & Census Designated Places
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(3.4 miles ESE)
Fort Smith, AR
(3.4 miles NW)
Arkoma, OK
(4.5 miles W)
Van Buren, AR
(5.8 miles N)
Moffett, OK
(6 miles WNW)
Central City, AR
(6.1 miles ESE)
Dora, AR
(8.7 miles NW)
Kibler, AR
(8.8 miles NE)
Bonanza, AR
(8.9 miles SSW)
Lavaca, AR
(10.2 miles E)
Nearby Neighborhoods, Subdivisions & Other Small Populated Places
Massard, AR
(< 0.1 mile)
South Fort Smith, AR
(3.1 miles WSW)
Buell, AR
(3.9 miles SSW)
Fort Chaffee, AR
(3.9 miles SE)
Mill Creek, AR
(4.1 miles WSW)
Crescent, AR
(4.7 miles S)
Saw Mill, AR
(4.7 miles SSW)
Cavanaugh, AR
(4.9 miles SW)
Wright Town, AR
(4.9 miles NE)
Haroldton, AR
(5.3 miles E)
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