Arkansas Census Data Comparison Tool


Ranking Cities and Towns by Housing Affordability Index (last updated July 1, 2024)

There are 20 records sorted in ascending order.

The Housing Affordability Index base is 100 and represents a balance point where a resident with a median household income can normally qualify to purchase a median price home. Values above 100 indicate increased affordability, while values below 100 indicate decreased affordability.

Name County Housing Affordability Index
1. City of Jasper Newton 59
2. Lost Bridge Village Census Designated Place Benton 59
3. Morrow Census Designated Place Washington 62
4. City of Mountain View Stone 62
5. Woodson Census Designated Place Pulaski 63
6. Lake Hamilton Census Designated Place Garland 64
7. Town of Viola Fulton 66
8. City of Eureka Springs Carroll 69
9. Boles Census Designated Place Scott 70
10. City of Fayetteville Washington 71
11. City of Fifty-Six Stone 73
12. City of Glenwood Pike 73
13. McAlmont Census Designated Place Pulaski 73
14. City of Winslow Washington 74
15. Town of Omaha Boone 75
16. City of Rison Cleveland 75
17. Town of Garland Miller 77
18. Bee Branch Census Designated Place Van Buren 77
19. Town of Crawfordsville Crittenden 77
20. City of Marianna Lee 78


Arkansas Census Data Comparison Tool

Compare Arkansas July 1, 2024 Data
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