Arkansas Census Data Comparison Tool


Ranking Cities and Towns by Diversity Index (last updated July 1, 2024)

There are 20 records sorted in ascending order.

The Diversity Index is a scale of 0 to 100 that represents the likelyhood that two persons, chosen at random from the same area, belong to different race or ethnic groups. If an area's entire population belongs to one race AND one ethnic group, then the area has zero diversity. An area's diversity index increases to 100 when the population is evenly divided into two or more race/ethnic groups.

Name County Diversity Index
1. Town of Lynn Lawrence 7.0
2. Town of Ravenden Lawrence 8.4
3. Wayton Census Designated Place Newton 8.8
4. Town of Ravenden Springs Randolph 9.3
5. City of Pollard Clay 9.4
6. Town of Portia Lawrence 9.8
7. Town of Higden Cleburne 9.8
8. Staves Census Designated Place Cleveland 10.1
9. Deer Census Designated Place Newton 11.3
10. College Station Census Designated Place Pulaski 12.3
11. City of Reyno Randolph 12.3
12. Town of Perry Perry 12.5
13. Town of Saint Joe Searcy 12.8
14. Town of Maynard Randolph 12.9
15. Town of Lafe Greene 12.9
16. Town of Mount Pleasant Izard 13.2
17. Town of Friendship Hot Spring 13.4
18. Town of Imboden Lawrence 13.6
19. City of Saint Francis Clay 13.7
20. Town of Midway Hot Spring 13.8


Arkansas Census Data Comparison Tool

Compare Arkansas July 1, 2024 Data
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